Corporate reports and regulatory documents are a huge part of the world of utilities and in the past, may have been text heavy and far from engaging for stakeholders to read. Working with Affinity Water, they agreed with this and asked us to look at new ways of approaching future documents in order to make the reports unique, engaging and easier to read.
Recent examples of new corporate reports that we’ve worked with Affinity Water on include their Drought Management Report and Annual Finance Report for 2021; both regulatory required/recommended documents that would be available to stakeholders.
When considering the corporate reporting documents, paying attention to the fact that they will be printed in some scenarios, but would be predominantly read digitally, we developed interactive PDF’s with click through content tab functionality, as well as colour coding different sections for ease. Documents were given space to breathe on the page, breaking up the text by including imagery throughout.
The regulatory documents created with Blumilk so far have all been well received; Affinity Water have loved their new style for corporate reports and stakeholders have enjoyed engaging with the interactive documents online.
Read about other projects we’ve done with Affinity Water here.